Paul Lejko

The structured and object oriented approach of SemiSoft enables me to analyze large amounts of data in depth with little effort. It’s fun to extract results in hours that could have taken months to acquire with the classic approach.

Jan Froehlich

Since SemiSoft collects all the necessary information about facilities, tool interfaces and specifications and even proposes Hook-Up designs, I can focus on pure P&ID optimization and review.

So-called “wafers”

Semiconductors are manufactured in so-called “Fabs” in an so-called “cleanroom” on so-called “wafers”.

When I started in the semiconductor industry in the 90s, I had to take a test-wafer-carrier with me on my first trip to Japan. The security at Munich Airport looked at the carrier with great interest and knew nothing about the term “wafer”. After a detailed explanation I could luckily pass. Upon arrival in Tokyo, the security noticed the carrier and very obviously knew immediately what it was.

In Europe, the semiconductor industry is still not a widely known industry in all the areas needed to build a new fab. As long as publications contain sentences with “so-called ‘wafers’”, a new fab project will again be a costly search for experienced resources and remain unavoidable a basic training for a part of the engineering- building- and construction team.

Together, however, the recent projects from Bosch in Dresden, Infineon in Villach and STMicroelectronics in Agrate have done a lot for the training of experts in Europe. The momentum could be used even if it will need further strong efforts to build competitive 300mm Fabs or eventually a first Gigafab in Europe and come closer to the design and construction level of what is today state-of-the-art in the Asian semiconductor manufacturing countries.

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SemiSoft® is a software system for chipmakers to design and manage the core of their Fab.


Reduce invest and operational expenses. SemiSoft® enables engineers to optimize their design of basebuild and hook-up infrastructure.


Foresee and prevent difficulties in construction already during the design phase. SemiSoft® enables Fab owners to communicate their requirements to their contractors.


SemiSoft® is a story of success since over 20 years. With its newest generation, it introduces extensive 3D planning features and patented, revolutionary visualization technologies.


Fab startup projects are fast paced and volatile. SemiSoft® is designed for fast and iterative data engineering, subject to constant changes.


Benefit from a diverse team of SemiSoft® data scientists, engineers and semiconductor experts. Get engineering support from data acquisition to piping and instrumentation design.


Start your data-driven BIM project together with SemiSoft® already with the concept design. Benefit early from structured data acquisitions, aggregations and reports.